Fatima Suleman [BPharm, MPharm, PhD (Public Health Sciences)] is a Professor in the School of Health Sciences, University of KwaZulu-Natal and Professor, and Director: World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Pharmaceutical Policy and Evidence Based Practice. She is a former Prince Claus Chair of Development and Equity: Affordable (Bio)Therapeutics for Public Health at Utrecht University, and a Fulbright Alumnus. Her work has been concentrated in the area of pharmaceutical policy, with a focus on ensuring affordability and access to medicines, both for adults and for children and across a range of disease conditions. Her work has led to technical advice being provided on pharmaceutical policy for several countries in Africa and Asia in the last 17 years. She was appointed by the Minister of Health as member and then chair of the Medicines Pricing Committee. She is appointed to the World Health Organization’s Expert Advisory Panel on Drug Evaluation (2017–2025) and serves on several WHO committees. In 2021, she was co-winner of the Helen Clark-Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice Award.